We had another great day for training on May 12 in Vulcan. The weather was excellent and spirits were high. Lethbridge CASARA and Calgary CASARA, all Zone 2, did their first joint training day and decided that meeting half way in Vulcan was a good plan to try. Lethbridge saw 6 members attend and Calgary saw 10 members attend including the three pilots. Training involved Navigation training and spotter training. Lloyd from our local group is now a fully certified spotter with his three spotter flights. He was able to get his classroom work completed May 10. Al, Sandy each had two Nav flights and a spotter flight each, Lauretta had one Nav flight and two spotter flights, Larry had two spotter flights and I had a single spotter flight. The good news is that Lethbridge now has 13 certified spotters.
Many of the Calgary crews had nav training and spotter training. A successful day all in all. I had a good opportunity to learn a lot more about search HQ and believe this will soon become the standard tool for creation of our search mapping and navigation.
Many thanks to the Town of Vulcan, and the Air Cadets training on their glider during our visit. We all had a front row seat watching the cadets learning the glider.
On a sad note, Warren had set up a target on a air strip near Mossleigh and left a note after ward thanking the landowner. He got a call soon after only to discover that the land owner was involved in a unfortunate mid air collision in Northern Sask. over the weekend. CASARA offers our most sincere condolences all the families of all involved.
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